Ruffed grouse hunting in New Hampshire
NH Upland Bird Hunting Update: 10/17
Finally, a grouse making it in to the vest pouch, courtesy of my client Gil today. We had an eventful last two days in the grouse woods, with a lot of birds contacted, and consequently, a lot of shots fired. The action was hot and heavy, as we contacted approximately 60 birds in our time out there.
Frost Fire Guide Service woodcock hunts

Millie had a couple of staunch woodcock points this morning.

Frost Fire Guide Service woodcock hunts

It takes birds to make a bird dog, and Bella is finding a pile of them this season. Her progression continues ...

Yesterday was the best day we've had this season, and it may have been the best we've had in several seasons, to be honest. We moved somewhere around 17 grouse, 23 woodcock, and a couple of snipe as well. I say "around" because there were times where the action was so hot that it was hard to keep up with my bird counter.

Rocky and Bella both performed very well throughout the day, as they pointed the majority of the grouse and woodcock that we contacted. Dan managed to scratch down a couple of woodcock over points from the dogs - one for Bella and one for Rocky, and both Dan and Gil threw a lot of flak out there for the birds to contend with.

While many of the woodcock offered shooting chances for the hunters, only a few of the grouse did so - they were very tough as usual, flying low or quickly putting a tree between them and the guns. Still, it was an exhilarating day in the chilly and damp grouse woods.

Today was more of a "normal" day for us, as we worked to see our birds. With a hard frost from the night before, it started off slowly, but Millie managed to staunchly point a couple of woodcock, one of which was taken by Dan. She worked very well and covered a lot of perfect looking cover that somehow yielded nothing. That's hunting, but it is frustrating at times.

Later in the morning, Bella came out again and was almost immediately pointing. She began with grouse but quickly started nailing woodcock, one of which was taken by Dan. She had several more grouse and woodcock points, but no others paid the price. She has been hunting beautifully and her progress this season is undeniable.

All in all, we moved 10 grouse and 9 woodcock today, which is more typical of the type of day we've had this season. We worked hard and did a lot of walking, and the dogs did their best.

We have been noticing that some of the woodcock that we've taken lately are males - smaller in body size than the females, and typically they are migrating through our area after the females. Is it the tail end of the migration yet? Hopefully not, and I would say that in most years we have a fair amount of timberdoodles here until around Halloween. Let's hope that is the case.
You may have noticed some snow in the picture of Millie on point. Yes, we had a little bit to deal with up in the higher elevations yesterday morning, but it was melting fast and should be totally gone this weekend. We have another warm up on the way this weekend and early next week. Bad news for the dogs and us as we trudge through the grouse woods, but perhaps it will keep the woodcock around longer ...

2024: 193.0 Hours
VT Hours: 70.0
NH Hours: 123.0
VT Birds Moved: 172
NH Birds Moved: 390
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse (VT - 7, NH - 17)
41 Woodcock (VT - 12, NH - 29)

2023: 222.5 Hours
VT Hours: 65.5
NH Hours: 157.0
VT Birds Moved: 143
NH Birds Moved: 430
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse (VT - 4, NH - 10)
43 Woodcock (VT - 7, NH - 36)

2022: 123.0 Hours
VT Hours: 49.5
NH Hours: 73.5
VT Birds Moved: 96
NH Birds Moved: 178
Birds Taken:
11 Grouse (VT - 5, NH - 6)
6 Woodcock (VT - 2, NH - 4)

2021: 193.5 Hours
VT Hours: 66.0
NH Hours: 127.5
VT Birds Moved: 226
NH Birds Moved: 427
Birds Taken:
36 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2020: 199.5 Hours
VT Hours: 36.0
NH Hours: 163.5
VT Birds Moved: 77
NH Birds Moved: 552
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2019: 184.5 Hours
VT Hours: 28.0
NH Hours: 156.5
VT Birds Moved: 65
NH Birds Moved: 509
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse
29 Woodcock

2018: 144.0 Hours
VT Hours: 32.0
NH Hours: 112.0
VT Birds Moved: 114
NH Birds Moved: 417
Birds Taken:
18 Grouse
12 Woodcock

2017: 180.5 Hours
VT Hours: 44
NH Hours: 136.5
VT Birds moved: 110
NH Birds moved: 407
Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
24 Woodcock

2016: 178 Hours
Birds moved: 563
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.16

Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
30 Woodcock

2015: 202.0 Hours
Birds moved: 607
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.0

Birds Taken:
18 grouse
26 woodcock

2014: 138.0 hours
Birds moved: 350
Birds/hr. Avg.: 2.53

Birds Taken:
17 grouse
17 woodcock

2013: 152 Hours
Birds moved: 480
Birds/hr. Avg.: 3.15

Birds Taken:
20 grouse
27 woodcock

2012: 114 Hours
Birds moved: 526
Birds /Hr Avg.: 4.61

Birds Taken:
22 grouse
4 woodcock

2011: 161 Hours
Birds moved: 522
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.24

Birds Taken:
34 grouse
21 woodcock

2010: 139.5 Hours
Birds moved: 430
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.08

Birds Taken:
26 grouse
21 woodcock

2009: 93.5 Hours
Birds moved: 307
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.28

Birds Taken:
16 grouse
14 woodcock

2008: 82.5 Hours
Birds moved: 188
Birds / Hr Avg.: 2.27

Birds Taken:
10 grouse
5 woodcock
