Frost Fire's Grouse Hunting
"Partridge Blog"

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ...
an account of grouse and woodcock hunting
in northern NH and the NEK of Vermont ...

Vermont woodcock hunting
Odds and Ends
Guiding operations shifted over to Vermont today, and we'll spend another day in the Green Mountain State tomorrow. My clients today were Randy and Conrad, and we had the pleasure of hunting behind Randy's pointers Ginger and Axel. It didn't take long for Ginger to get things going on the right foot as she pointed three woodcock in a short amount of time and Conrad helped her remember exactly why she's out there by taking two of them on skillful shooting.
Grouse hunting in northern NH
Stem Density
Many of my clients have had to listen to me prattle on about grouse habitat, and especially the need for "stem density". While this sounds like a nebulous term, and no, I don't have an exact figure tor the amount of stems per acre that makes excellent grouse habitat (there is a figure that I've read, but it didn't stick in my memory the way that grouse coverts do). I know it when I see it, and it is nearly always a good place to stop and take an inventory.
NH grouse hunting
NH Grouse Hunting Update: 10/24
One thing about grouse hunting that we all can count on is that no two days are the same. There's always something different each time that we go out to hunt grouse and woodcock - whether it's the conditions, the reactions of the birds, or the efforts of the dogs themselves, every day presents different conditions and challenges for us hunters. That is one of the reasons why being successful while grouse hunting is so satisfying.
Grouse hunting in Pittsburg NH
NH Grouse Hunting Update: 10/22
Two totally different days out in the grouse woods, with correspondingly different results. As is usually the case, weather is the x-factor in all forms of hunting and it also has a huge impact on our days grouse hunting. As a guide friend of mine says, "Some days you're the windshield, and some days you're the bug ...".
Grouse hunting in Pittsburg NH
NH Grouse Hunting Update: 10/20
A few more days gone in the 2019 grouse and woodcock hunting season, and conditions are changing fast as we enter the "middle" part of the three phases, as I like to call it. We lost a lot of our leaves last week when the "Bomb Cyclone" came through - it really wasn't that bad up here, but the gusty winds helped dispose of another of our excuses for missing grouse - the abundant foliage.
Grouse hunting at Tall Timber Lodge
NH Grouse Hunting Update: 10/15
A tale of different days, with much different conditions for hunting grouse and woodcock in the uplands of New Hampshire. Yesterday was the day after a very busy holiday weekend, and though it started out on the chilly side, it had warmed considerably by noon and got down right hot in the afternoon.
Northern NH grouse hunting
NH Grouse Hunting Update: 10/11
The beat goes on up here in northern New Hampshire with the grouse season. We've been moving plenty of birds the last couple of days (18 grouse and 12 woodcock Thursday morning, and 21 grouse and 5 woodcock on Friday), but the chances to actually take them have been, shall we say ... fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow, especially with the grouse, or "gray ghosts", as I like to call them.
Bird dog on point
NH Grouse Hunting Report: 10/6
A slightly abbreviated session today with Brian Fradette and his hard working Brittany Spaniels. They are young at three years old, but these siblings cover the grouse woods well and point their birds staunchly. It gave my dogs a well earned day off, and I'm sure they took advantage of it, lounging around my house and making sure the couch doesn't get stolen while I'm in the woods.
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Grouse Hunting Season Stats

2024: 193.0 Hours
VT Hours: 70.0
NH Hours: 123.0
VT Birds Moved: 172
NH Birds Moved: 390
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse (VT - 7, NH - 17)
41 Woodcock (VT - 12, NH - 29)

2023: 222.5 Hours
VT Hours: 65.5
NH Hours: 157.0
VT Birds Moved: 143
NH Birds Moved: 430
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse (VT - 4, NH - 10)
43 Woodcock (VT - 7, NH - 36)

2022: 123.0 Hours
VT Hours: 49.5
NH Hours: 73.5
VT Birds Moved: 96
NH Birds Moved: 178
Birds Taken:
11 Grouse (VT - 5, NH - 6)
6 Woodcock (VT - 2, NH - 4)

2021: 193.5 Hours
VT Hours: 66.0
NH Hours: 127.5
VT Birds Moved: 226
NH Birds Moved: 427
Birds Taken:
36 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2020: 199.5 Hours
VT Hours: 36.0
NH Hours: 163.5
VT Birds Moved: 77
NH Birds Moved: 552
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2019: 184.5 Hours
VT Hours: 28.0
NH Hours: 156.5
VT Birds Moved: 65
NH Birds Moved: 509
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse
29 Woodcock

2018: 144.0 Hours
VT Hours: 32.0
NH Hours: 112.0
VT Birds Moved: 114
NH Birds Moved: 417
Birds Taken:
18 Grouse
12 Woodcock

2017: 180.5 Hours
VT Hours: 44
NH Hours: 136.5
VT Birds moved: 110
NH Birds moved: 407
Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
24 Woodcock

2016: 178 Hours
Birds moved: 563
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.16

Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
30 Woodcock

2015: 202.0 Hours
Birds moved: 607
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.0

Birds Taken:
18 grouse
26 woodcock

2014: 138.0 hours
Birds moved: 350
Birds/hr. Avg.: 2.53

Birds Taken:
17 grouse
17 woodcock

2013: 152 Hours
Birds moved: 480
Birds/hr. Avg.: 3.15

Birds Taken:
20 grouse
27 woodcock

2012: 114 Hours
Birds moved: 526
Birds /Hr Avg.: 4.61

Birds Taken:
22 grouse
4 woodcock

2011: 161 Hours
Birds moved: 522
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.24

Birds Taken:
34 grouse
21 woodcock

2010: 139.5 Hours
Birds moved: 430
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.08

Birds Taken:
26 grouse
21 woodcock

2009: 93.5 Hours
Birds moved: 307
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.28

Birds Taken:
16 grouse
14 woodcock

2008: 82.5 Hours
Birds moved: 188
Birds / Hr Avg.: 2.27

Birds Taken:
10 grouse
5 woodcock
