Woodcock hunting in New Hampshire
NH Grouse Hunting Update: 10/2
Two days in the books for the 2019 upland bird season, and it has been the typical early season story. We're encountering a good number of grouse and woodcock, but they are not giving us many chances at makable shots - especially the grouse. They have certainly lived up to their "gray ghost" moniker, as they seem to have an amazing knack of disappearing, even when they go up very close to us. The foliage is thick, so chances on all of the birds have been fleeting - there are lots of escape routes right now.

My victims these first two days of the season were Derek and Ian Bennett, neophytes to upland bird hunting in general and grouse and woodcock in particular. They found out over our two days together just how strenuous grouse hunting can be, but fortunately for them, they are firefighters in NYC, so they were in good shape to venture over hill and dale following bird dogs in search of their quarry. We had quite a morning yesterday behind Rosie, as she pointed quite a few of the 17 woodcock we moved. The guys hooked up on a woodcock each, even with the thick screen of foliage they had in their favor. Rosie made a couple nice retrieves, and our season was off to a good start. Bode got out there yesterday afternoon, and he had a couple nice grouse points as well as woodcock points. Derek took another woodcock and Ian bagged a grouse. We moved 7 grouse and 19 woodcock total yesterday, bagging four birds, and had more than a few chances on others.
Ruffed grouse hunting in NH
Today brought slightly chillier conditions and moist too - it rained a lot last night, and that, coupled with the colder temperatures made for good scenting conditions. Monty got the call early and had a nice point on an escaping grouse, but managed to make a solid point on a woodcock that Derek got a chance on. He didn't think he hit it, but Monty came back with the timberdoodle in his mouth - yet another example of the conservation tools that bird dogs are. There were a few more chances this morning, but none as good as a grouse that rocketed out behind the guys. No shots fired and that grouse doesn't know how lucky it was. Bode ran in the afternoon and did very well on several woodcock, one of which fell to Derek's gun. We also moved some grouse too, but none of them gave the guys a realistic chance for a shot. We saw, heard, disturbed 11 grouse and 13 woodcock today, but as has already been stated, very few offered chances for shots.

All in all, the dogs have performed well over the first couple days of the season and it looks like we have colder weather moving in for the next few days. Perhaps the weather will help drop some more of the foliage, improving our chances at actually
seeing grouse and woodcock ...

2024: 193.0 Hours
VT Hours: 70.0
NH Hours: 123.0
VT Birds Moved: 172
NH Birds Moved: 390
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse (VT - 7, NH - 17)
41 Woodcock (VT - 12, NH - 29)

2023: 222.5 Hours
VT Hours: 65.5
NH Hours: 157.0
VT Birds Moved: 143
NH Birds Moved: 430
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse (VT - 4, NH - 10)
43 Woodcock (VT - 7, NH - 36)

2022: 123.0 Hours
VT Hours: 49.5
NH Hours: 73.5
VT Birds Moved: 96
NH Birds Moved: 178
Birds Taken:
11 Grouse (VT - 5, NH - 6)
6 Woodcock (VT - 2, NH - 4)

2021: 193.5 Hours
VT Hours: 66.0
NH Hours: 127.5
VT Birds Moved: 226
NH Birds Moved: 427
Birds Taken:
36 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2020: 199.5 Hours
VT Hours: 36.0
NH Hours: 163.5
VT Birds Moved: 77
NH Birds Moved: 552
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2019: 184.5 Hours
VT Hours: 28.0
NH Hours: 156.5
VT Birds Moved: 65
NH Birds Moved: 509
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse
29 Woodcock

2018: 144.0 Hours
VT Hours: 32.0
NH Hours: 112.0
VT Birds Moved: 114
NH Birds Moved: 417
Birds Taken:
18 Grouse
12 Woodcock

2017: 180.5 Hours
VT Hours: 44
NH Hours: 136.5
VT Birds moved: 110
NH Birds moved: 407
Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
24 Woodcock

2016: 178 Hours
Birds moved: 563
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.16

Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
30 Woodcock

2015: 202.0 Hours
Birds moved: 607
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.0

Birds Taken:
18 grouse
26 woodcock

2014: 138.0 hours
Birds moved: 350
Birds/hr. Avg.: 2.53

Birds Taken:
17 grouse
17 woodcock

2013: 152 Hours
Birds moved: 480
Birds/hr. Avg.: 3.15

Birds Taken:
20 grouse
27 woodcock

2012: 114 Hours
Birds moved: 526
Birds /Hr Avg.: 4.61

Birds Taken:
22 grouse
4 woodcock

2011: 161 Hours
Birds moved: 522
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.24

Birds Taken:
34 grouse
21 woodcock

2010: 139.5 Hours
Birds moved: 430
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.08

Birds Taken:
26 grouse
21 woodcock

2009: 93.5 Hours
Birds moved: 307
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.28

Birds Taken:
16 grouse
14 woodcock

2008: 82.5 Hours
Birds moved: 188
Birds / Hr Avg.: 2.27

Birds Taken:
10 grouse
5 woodcock
