Woodcock hunting in NH
He's an Oldie, but Goodie ...
A veritable cornucopia of weather conditions for us the last few days in the northern New Hampshire grouse woods lately. From a sizable snow storm on Saturday, then nice hunting conditions on Sunday, to rain yesterday morning, and finally a gray, but dry day today, we've had to contend with it all lately. The bird finding has been challenging at times, but overall we've had some good sessions this week.

Yesterday afternoon turned out to be a good day for hunting for our party, as the grouse were moving around some following the morning's constant rain. We encountered 16 grouse yesterday afternoon, and while not all of them were pointed or offered great opportunities for my clients, there were a few that could have paid the price but I guess that Chris and Jim were playing their part as "catch and release" bird hunters. We had some good work from Rosie and Bode, and Chirs's brittany Chotsie, but nothing to show for it from the hunters.

Today brought a more concerted effort to find some woodcock, hitting several different covers, some upland, some lowland, and we were able to find 13 woodcock. Monty had beautiful points on several of them, and a couple of those birds cooperated, but it was only Jim that made a nice shot through a tangle of alders to bring his bird down.

The amazing thing about Monty's point on Jim's woodcock was that he was able to staunchly hold point for several minutes as we located him and found a way to navigate the alders and water to get in position. Thank God for woodcock!

Monty's staunch point helped Jim take his first woodcock

While we had a good day of contacting woodcock, our grouse contacts left something to be desired. We only moved four grouse in our travels today, and while Bode had a nice point on one of them, the others were very skittish, not letting us get close enough for a shot. It appears as though some of these grouse have become educated ...

We hit some amazing looking grouse cover today, but they simply weren't there. Wrong place, wrong time, as sometimes happens in grouse hunting. We'll be back at it the next few days and more updates will be on the way ...

2024: 193.0 Hours
VT Hours: 70.0
NH Hours: 123.0
VT Birds Moved: 172
NH Birds Moved: 390
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse (VT - 7, NH - 17)
41 Woodcock (VT - 12, NH - 29)

2023: 222.5 Hours
VT Hours: 65.5
NH Hours: 157.0
VT Birds Moved: 143
NH Birds Moved: 430
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse (VT - 4, NH - 10)
43 Woodcock (VT - 7, NH - 36)

2022: 123.0 Hours
VT Hours: 49.5
NH Hours: 73.5
VT Birds Moved: 96
NH Birds Moved: 178
Birds Taken:
11 Grouse (VT - 5, NH - 6)
6 Woodcock (VT - 2, NH - 4)

2021: 193.5 Hours
VT Hours: 66.0
NH Hours: 127.5
VT Birds Moved: 226
NH Birds Moved: 427
Birds Taken:
36 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2020: 199.5 Hours
VT Hours: 36.0
NH Hours: 163.5
VT Birds Moved: 77
NH Birds Moved: 552
Birds Taken:
24 Grouse
21 Woodcock

2019: 184.5 Hours
VT Hours: 28.0
NH Hours: 156.5
VT Birds Moved: 65
NH Birds Moved: 509
Birds Taken:
14 Grouse
29 Woodcock

2018: 144.0 Hours
VT Hours: 32.0
NH Hours: 112.0
VT Birds Moved: 114
NH Birds Moved: 417
Birds Taken:
18 Grouse
12 Woodcock

2017: 180.5 Hours
VT Hours: 44
NH Hours: 136.5
VT Birds moved: 110
NH Birds moved: 407
Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
24 Woodcock

2016: 178 Hours
Birds moved: 563
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.16

Birds Taken:
23 Grouse
30 Woodcock

2015: 202.0 Hours
Birds moved: 607
Birds/Hr Avg.: 3.0

Birds Taken:
18 grouse
26 woodcock

2014: 138.0 hours
Birds moved: 350
Birds/hr. Avg.: 2.53

Birds Taken:
17 grouse
17 woodcock

2013: 152 Hours
Birds moved: 480
Birds/hr. Avg.: 3.15

Birds Taken:
20 grouse
27 woodcock

2012: 114 Hours
Birds moved: 526
Birds /Hr Avg.: 4.61

Birds Taken:
22 grouse
4 woodcock

2011: 161 Hours
Birds moved: 522
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.24

Birds Taken:
34 grouse
21 woodcock

2010: 139.5 Hours
Birds moved: 430
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.08

Birds Taken:
26 grouse
21 woodcock

2009: 93.5 Hours
Birds moved: 307
Birds / Hr Avg.: 3.28

Birds Taken:
16 grouse
14 woodcock

2008: 82.5 Hours
Birds moved: 188
Birds / Hr Avg.: 2.27

Birds Taken:
10 grouse
5 woodcock
