Scouting April 2010
Considering the season that we had in 2009, and the positive reports that came from NH Fish & Game’s Grouse Wing and Tail Survey from last fall, things are trending upward for grouse populations and us bird hunters.
We’ve seen birds each time we’ve gone out, but two evenings ago was something special. At one of our favorite haunts, in a mere two hours we encountered 7 grouse and 1 woodcock, and 6 of the grouse were pointed staunchly. Sometimes it was Greta, sometimes it was Rudy, but most of the time it was by both of them. They look pretty sharp already, which is great to see. Somehow they bumped the woodcock, but I’ll give them a pass on that one - they were incensed with the scent of grouse that day!
More updates will be along soon.